
Which stance will the DPJ take, making a sales pitch of nuclear reactors to foreign countries or phasing out nuclear power?   民主党はどちらのスタンスを取るのか? 原子炉の海外売り込みか、それとも原発の段階的撤退か?

Which stance will the DPJ take, making a sales pitch of nuclear reactors to foreign countries or phasing out nuclear power?
民主党はどちらのスタンスを取るのか? 原子炉の海外売り込みか、それとも原発の段階的撤退か?

Even though some DPJ members championing the phasing out of nuclear power staunchly opposed the accord and did not attend the voting session in defiance of the party’s official line, the DPJ meted out only light punishment against the rebels.


make a sales pitch to~に売り込む
staunchly しっかりと 信頼できる状態で 強固に 頑なに 断固として
in defiance of ~をものともせず ~を無視して ~に逆らって
mete out (罰や賞などを) 与える