
Chinese leaders are trying to denigrate the image of Japan. 中国のリーダーらは、日本のイメージを傷つけようとしている。

Chinese leaders are trying to denigrate the image of Japan.

Xi asserted 300,000 Chinese had been massacred by the former Imperial Japanese Army in the Nanjing incident, as if it were a cut-and-dried fact.

The Japanese government has admitted that the incident took place and the victims included noncombatants, but takes the stand that it is difficult to determine how many people were killed.

denigrate (名誉やイメージなどを)傷つける 損なう
massacre 大虐殺
cut and dried(dry) 明白な 疑う余地のない
the former Imperial Japanese Army旧日本軍
noncombatant 非戦闘員
take the stand that~という立場を取る