
Ms. Obokata, a young Japanese woman in the sciences, has opened up a wide array of possibilities in the field of regenerative medicine.

Ms. Obokata, a young Japanese woman in the sciences, has opened up a wide array of possibilities in the field of regenerative medicine.

Initially her research paper was rejected by a science journal because it seemed to mock conventional belief that differentiated tissues could not return to the undifferentiated state of a fertilized egg.

But she and her team pushed on tenaciously with the research and fleshed out the research process, and at last could submit the paper to the journal.

The cells she made are called STAP cells.

open up a wide array of possibilities 幅広い可能性を切り拓く
mock あざける 愚弄する
differentiate 分化する
a fertilized egg 受精卵
push on with 〜を推し進める
flesh up 肉付けする

STAP (stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency) cells STAP細胞
ES(embryonic stem) cells ES細胞
iPS(induced pluripotent stem)cells iPS 細胞